
To get myself back on track, I started this painting a little earlier. The base coats and sketch went on the canvas last week and I did the bulk of the painting this week. In the end I spent about five hours on the painting overall.

I’m done with this sort of monochromatic style for now. My “painting a month” work will still be just as loose, but I want to work with color a bit more.

Jane Ire. 14"x18". Acrylic on canvas board.

Jane Ire. 14"x18". Acrylic on canvas board. April 2011.


I had two hours open so I dedicated that time to finishing what should have been my painting for March. Even though this took me more than a few days over the course of several weeks, it still took around four hours to complete. A better photo will be coming once I meet up with my photographer friend.

Maiden America. 24"x30". Acrylic on Canvas Board. March to April 2011.


I missed my own self-imposed deadline of getting one painting a month done for the year of 2011. March was way too busy and April is turning out to be the same. I guess that’s what happens with a job, school, girlfriend, family and just about everything else.

In my own defense, I did start a painting before the month ended. So if I can get two paintings done before the end of this month, I’ll still be on track.



I’m toying around with a website re-design, which is getting in the way of real work. However, I’ve knocked out a few Adobe Illustrator designs for kicks. Some of these were fired off to Tee Fury.

Torrance Never Dull Rum. 03.2011. Adobe Illustrator

iPonda. 03.2011. Adobe Illustrator.

TIE Fighter Helmet. Adobe Illustrator.


I finished this on February 24th of 2011 as part of my personal challenge: to finish a painting every month for the year.

This is from a photo by a gent named Tom Klubens. It depicts Slammy Faye of the Naptown Roller Girls. I took the original photo into Photoshop, adjusted levels and smudged it up. I used the altered image as a source for the painting here.

A painting of Slammy Faye of the Naptown Roller Girls

Slammy Faye. February 24th, 2011. Acrylic on Canvas Board. 14" x 18".

This painting took about four hours from start to finish and I was much more painterly with the entire process. I can see doing a few more in this style before working more saturated color into the piece.