
Last night, my girlfriend and I were driving through town for some dinner when I spied up ahead two cyclists riding two-abreast down the same three lane street I was on. Approaching them from behind, I saw the first rider speed up and disappear into traffic. The second hung back a bit.

The road narrowed to two lanes for construction and I found myself behind the second cyclist in the center lane. He was a thin lad in black, wearing a Chrome-style backpack and carrying a U-Lock at his waist. Me, being the cycling kinda guy, gave him some room and in general tried to not be a dick motorist. The second cyclist moved to the far right lane and I passed him, only to stop in the left turn lane when the road returned to three lanes. The light at the intersection was red.

Ahead I saw that the first cyclist had also stopped for the light and was talking to the driver of a grey pick-up truck in the far right lane. I was several cars back in the queue but I could see that the first cyclist was pissed off. What I assumed was talking was really yelling.

“Oh shit – here’s some road rage” I said. My girlfriend asked what happened but I could not say. I only assumed that the driver of the truck had come too close or tried to hit the riders. But who knows, really.

From behind, the second rider appeared. He swooped past the trucks rear and smashed the driver’s side tail light of the truck with his u-lock. The light popped and plastic showered the street. The trucks alarm or impact sensor (dunno which) went off in pain.

The second cyclist paused for a second and then took a hard left, cutting across the middle lane and far left turn lane against the light. The first cyclist finished yelling with the pick-up truck driver and followed his partner, fleeing the scene.

The truck driver, perhaps finally realizing that his vehicle had been assaulted, squealed the trucks tires and also cut across the waiting traffic to pursue the cyclists. By the time the light turned, and I was able to make my turn down the same street, everyone was gone. I circled the block, much to my girlfriend’s dismay, to see if I could find the truck or the cyclists. What was I going to do? I don’t know – but I didn’t want to see anyone get murdered.

We couldn’t find them, so we went about our way, still rather shocked by the whole thing and not knowing really what to do. Our town is pretty quiet and the urban cyclists are few. I haven’t heard of this sort of thing happening on our streets, but I just may not hang out in the right circles.
It disturbed me because just an hour before, I’d finished my daily bike commute home from work. I had been on my bike, riding through the same city streets, thinking how different everything looked from the bike than from behind the wheel.

Things look incredibly different now. Stay safe out there, everyone.


If you find yourself lost in the myriad of div’s and don’t s of CSS, having to refer back to your source HTML just to see where the heck you are in the structure, try this…

As you comment your CSS (which you’re doing, right?), break your CSS into chunks by grouping your CSS definitions by object type. That part should be a no-brainer.

/* Header */

From there, give yourself a nice short-hand reference to the objects in your HTML.

/* Header */
/* header > div#container > div#navigation > .tab > ul > li.foo > a.foo */

Now, you can just look up a few lines and see how the HTML is structured and define away! Ta-da!

Sure, this can add some kilobytes to your file size, and the document structure may change. But it could save you, and anyone else some trouble down the road. And yes, I’ve thrown in some HTML5 just to be complete in my example.


I haven’t painted in a long time. If I can’t do it soon… something bad is going to happen.


I knew this stuff would come back to haunt me. I’m going through some artwork from high-school/college.

I knew where it was and I knew what it was but I wasn’t sure I remembered how awful it was.


I’m not going to wax poetic about my lack of time. This is, after all, a blog. Blog activity ebbs and flows. We all know that. Instead, I’ll talk a little bit about what’s going on.

I’m packing up my life. The plan is to move in with my girlfriend sometime very soon. I’m doing what I can as I can. Sometimes it’s just not fast enough though.

For 2012 artwork, there are a few paintings I’d like to do, but it simply can’t be at the pace of 2011. I may force myself to do more smaller works just to keep the juices flowing. But first I have to finish a long lingering oil painting for a friend. Finding a block of time to focus on that, however, is not panning out. The good news is that I may be able to work with a second photographer for derby source material.

I started up a tumblr blog in order to easily share some of my work with the derby world. I get a few likes and reblogs from derby girls on tumblr. I think it’s a good way to bolster the sharing of my images and maybe start making a name here and there. I think I’m still one of the few doing actual paintings and not pin-up girls in a derby theme. stmykal.tumblr.com

School is still on-going. My 3-D class is doing well enough. I really enjoy the 3-D work, I just wish the class had more of a formal structure. Right now it’s a lot of playing around with settings, experimenting and dabbling. I don’t think anyone has that much time, honestly.

Finally, myself and some friends are hoping to shoot a low-budget movie this summer. It’s really turning into a lot of work, which is also taking time away from everything. Hooray!