On one of the nicest weeks of fall weather you could expect, I’m sick. At least I finished my painting for October. I admit it though, I half-assed it, but it’s still pretty decent. I think.

This week-end is the big WFTDA regionals event in town. I’m throwing some dice by placing an ad in the program book for my portfolio site. Linked from my portfolio site is my store. Ya see – I don’t mind so much if people don’t buy anything, and I want that to be the point. Even though I do want to make a living from my artwork at some point in this short life.

I’d rather not beat people over the head with it.

So yeah – I guess I need to get on things. I need to come up witha  quick “like me on the facebooks and win a print” contest. I think you need to be able to “like” something in order to comment on a post, right? Enh… I’ll figure it out.